I think a lot of people that know me would say that I'm one of the lucky ones. They might say that because I have the fortune of having a career that I love. Ever since I was a little kid, I had a thing for photography. I used to borrow my dad's old Argus range finder that he bought in Germany in the late 50's, and shoot slide film of nature stuff, pets, and friends, whenever I could. I didn't know why at the time, but all of that goofing around was actually an part of an innate journey down a hidden path toward my eventual destiny of becoming a commercial photographer. It has been an incredible journey so far and there still is a long way to go. I think a person's passion for their career fades away if there's no longer a desire to learn. Professional Photography is a perfect example of this. I have been doing this in various capacities for the past 28 years and I still have so much to learn. On this site, I intend on sharing some of my insights, experiences and images and maybe it will be helpful to others who might have an interest in photography, or might even be considering taking their hobby to the next level.